Pelgar E-Z Baiter

Pelgar Rat Box

Rentokil Advanced Mouse Trap

Rentokil Advanced Rat Trap

Rentokil Fast Action Mouse Killer

Roban Cut Wheat Bait

Roban Oktablok II

Roban Pasta Bait - 15g unit, 'T-bag'

Rodex Whole Wheat Bait

Roguard RatBox Xtra


Slaymor Bait Bags

STV Multi-Catch Mouse Trap Large (STV177)

STV Rat Cage Trap (STV075)

STV Squirrel Cage Trap (STV076)

STV Strongbox Bait Station (STV175)
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STV Super Rat Trap (STV108)

Vertox Excel Block Bait

Vertox Pasta Bait 'T-bag'

STV Rat and Mouse Bait Station (STV179)
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STV Self Set Multi-Catch Rat Trap (STV080)
Sorexa D Ready To Use

Vertox 25 Oktablok II

Rodex 25 Oktablok II

STV Rat Killer2

STV All Weather Block Bait2

STV Mouse and Rat Killer2

STV Ultra Power Block Bait2 Killer Station Refill

STV Ultra Power Block Bait Mouse Killer Station and Refill (STV565)

STV Ultra Power Block Bait2 Rat Killer Station (STV566)